Waiting for the Oatmeal to Cool
by Suzanne Bailie

I wait for the oatmeal to cool
the honey and almond milk
poured and stirred to speed the process

I wait for you to stop chewing drooling on
the stained cookie monster bib
faded blue from bleach and washings

I wait for you to open your
perfect pouty pink lips
enough that the baby spoon slips in

I wait for you to crawl
then stand
then walk
then run

I wait for the still night when
my sleep is not interrupted
by your selfish need for me

I wait for the quiet when you
and your brothers are in summer camp
kindergarten and college

I wait for you to drive me car
dent my car, then
fib about the circumstance

I wait for you to cry
your heart tattered by loves
first painful break

I wait for you to fly away
our homes many states apart
your busy busy harried life
I wait for your Sunday calls
your proof of affection and
sharing children’s new baby pictures

I wait for you to talk to my doctor
or help start my ridiculous
stupid motorized chair

I wait for you to warm my soup
and steady my spoon as it
slips between my thin lips

My lovely girl
I wait for you

Suzanne Bailie headshot

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Suzanne Bailie has a Masters Degree in Education. She is an active member of the Seattle Playwrights Studio and Playwright’s Theatre. She has had over 39 productions of her short plays over the past four years. Her short plays and monologues have been produced across the United States, United Kingdom, South America, and Australia. Her short play, The Raspberry, and her monologue, The Blankie, are published. Suzanne’s poetry is featured on Seattle Metro bus stops and buses.

IMAGE: “Breakfast in Bed” by Mary Cassatt (1897).