by Candace Butler

Never say the words “they’re gone,”
and they’ll come back.

I know you as a different person now:
an ex-lover leaving her reflection
in the mirror after she’s gone…

I’d never seen that before.

Sometimes it’s a curse,
but it’s also a blessing.

You have to remember:
these colors have soulmates
and once you get them all together,
the painting is complete.

I don’t believe in singles

Come to me.

I’m trying to get back to the old days.
I have time.
I have nothing but time.

SOURCE:  Spike Lee interview with Prince (then known as The Artist Formerly Known as Prince) in Interview Magazine (May 1997).

IMAGE: “Prince,” watercolor by Design Turnpike. Prints available at


ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Candace Butler is a writer, musician, and artist residing in her hometown of Sugar Grove, Virginia — a small town in the mountains of Appalachia. She is an MFA candidate in the Creative Writing Program at Antioch University of Los Angeles (AULA). Find more of her work at