We are pleased to post the third submission in our call for erasure poems, created with software at Clint Margrave turned to Herman Mellville‘s classic novel — and Margrave’s favorite — Moby Dick (1851) for source material. (Find the original text here.) The title of the poem (“Loomings”) is also the title of the first chapter of Moby Dick.


Erasure poem by Clint Margrave


ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Clint Margrave lives in Long Beach, California. His first full-length collection of poems, The Early Death of Men, is newly released from NYQ Books. His work has also appeared or is forthcoming in The New York Quarterly, Rattle, Ambit (UK), 3AM (UK), Pearl, Serving House Journal, Word Riot, and Nerve Cowboy, among others. His poetry and prose are featured in the Silver Birch Press Silver Anthology (November 2012), the Silver Birch Press Green Anthology (March 2013), and the Silver Birch Press Summer Anthology (June 2013).

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